Publication | Author
Network Analysis for Book Historians: Digital Labour and Data Visualization Techniques
My first book, a sort of “how-to” guide for network analysis and visualization as a method for book historians.

Project | Co-Primary Investigator
Atlas of a Medieval Life:
The Itineraries of
Roger de Breynton
The Itineraries of
Roger de Breynton
Doing medieval biography through network and geospatial analyses. Collaboration with Daniel Birkholz at UT Austin.

Project | Graduate Research Assistant
Audiovisual Metadata Platform Pilot Development (AMPPD)
Automated metadata production for A/V materials. Collaboration between University
of Texas at Austin, Indiana University Libraries, and AVP.

Publication | Co-author
Audiated Annotation from the Middle Ages to the Open Web
Comparing commentary on psalms in the Middle Ages to IIIF web annotations and theorizing
Project | Research assistant
Global Currents: Cultures of Literary Networks, 1050-1900
Machine learning techniques for studying mise-en-page in medieval manuscripts.